Friday, 7 July 2017

NASA announcement: After ‘Anonymous’ claims Space Agency is about to CONFIRM Aliens Exist

NASA has released a statement after a video reportedly produced by hactivist group Anonymous said the US space agency was about to reveal that intelligent aliens exist.

The Anonymous video about NASA was a hoax.
The official comments, however, will upset alien chasers who had hoped there had been a real disclosure made by the hactivists.
Laurie Cantillo, NASA Lead Communications Specialist, said in a statement to Fox News: "While we’re excited about the latest findings from NASA’s Kepler space observatory, there’s no pending announcement regarding extraterrestrial life. 
"For years NASA has expressed interest in searching for signs of life beyond Earth. 
"We have a number of science missions that are moving forward with the goal of seeking signs of past and present life on Mars and ocean worlds in the outer solar system. 
"While we do not yet have answers, we will continue to work to address the fundamental question, ‘are we alone?’”
It was reported yesterday that Anonymous had announced: "NASA says aliens are coming!"
The emergence of the video made headlines across the globe yesterday.
However, worse still, the video was a hoax, and not even a genuine Anonymous video.
The video was made by YouTube channel Anonymous Global, which has made itself look like the YouTube account of the genuine hactivist group, famed for its hacks on official authorities, and its Million Mask Marches across the globe.
Anonymous has previously said there are many other people claiming to be part of the group who are not.
The video based its assertion on a recent meeting of the US Science Space and Technology Committee.
It was there that Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, said the world was "on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history".
But Mr Zurbuchen's genuine remarks had been publicly made and previously reported.
He was referring to the space agency's expectations of finding simple microorganisms of alien life somewhere in the solar system over the next few decades.
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Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Planet X to 'Hit Earth in OCTOBER’

PLANET X is approaching our solar system and will wipe out life as we know it, according to conspiracy theorists.

The mysterious object, otherwise known as Nibiru, is allegedly due to enter the solar system in October 2017 and will wreak havoc on our galactic neighbourhood.
Paranormal researchers believe Planet X is so large an affect on our solar system is already taking place as it supposedly counters the sun’s gravitational pull.
Conspiracy theorists believe it is difficult to spot due to the angle in which the huge mass is approaching Earth – towards the South Pole.
As the planet approaches it is expected to interfere with Earth, pulling it slightly off its axis, which would result in severe earthquakes and storms.
Planet X 'to hit Earth in October'
The conspiracy theory really picked up traction when Brazilian senator Telmario Mota told fellow parliamentarians that he had inside knowledge that Planet X is on its way.
He said: “I got information from reliable sources at NASA, which I trust. NASA is aware of the approach of Planet X or, as it is also called ‘Nibiru’.
Planet X is believed to be on the edge of the solar system
“The world as we knew it will soon cease to exist. The history of human civilisation will soon end.
“Planet-X already has an impact on the gravitational field of the Earth, the world is already facing natural disasters of unprecedented strength, very soon two-thirds of humanity will die of hunger and disease, and powerful disasters will shake the planet and our civilisation will die.”
Planet X, otherwise known as Nibiru
YouTube conspiracy theory channel AMTV agrees and says that the elite have been preparing for this event for decades.
Christopher Greene of AMTV says: “Elon Musk is digging underground and blasting off to space, so is Amazon founder Jeff Bezos through Blue Origin.
“Stephen Hawking is warning of the end of the world, he says if we don¹t get off the planet in the next 100 years, we’ll all be dead.
“Bill Gates is warning and through his rhetoric and messaging, basically telling the American people and global citizens that close to a third or two thirds of the population could be wiped out if they don’t take vaccines.”
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Monday, 3 July 2017

Scientist Claims: ‘We’re Not Alone’ There's a Huge Cover-up

EXTRATERRESTRIALS are here on Earth and the truth about them will soon be known, a scientist has claimed.

Stanton Friedman is convinced aliens are already here on Earth.
Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist, who worked on classified projects for for US defence contractors across 14 years in the 1950s and 1960s, believes the truth about a global cover up over the existence of aliens will soon be exposed, and it will have a positive effect on the world.
Mr Friedman, who has investigated the UFO mystery for more than 50 years and was the first civilian investigator of the infamous 1947 Roswell UFO crash unsolved case, revealed his thoughts in a new book compiled by author Miguel Mendonca.
The book, called We Are the Disclosure - Part I, tells the stories of a string of campaigners fighting for an alleged "truth embargo" on the existence of aliens to be lifted.
Mr Friedman, although never witnessing a UFO himself, said he was convinced we are not alone.
He said: "There's an enormous amount of evidence from all over the world from respectable, responsible individuals whose testimony you'd accept about anything else.
"We're not alone and that bothers the heck out of some people, some religious people.
"Some of the fundamentalists have explained that the only place in the universe where there are thinking, communicating people is right here on Earth, and that this UFO stuff is the work of the devil.
"And that the Earth was created in 4004 BC.
"Sorry guys all those things are wrong."
He said the subject had been surprised through ridicule by agencies such as the CIA.
He said: "(This) was established by the Robertson Panel report done for the CIA back in 1953.
"They recommended the use of all the tools of propaganda, including Walt Disney and so forth, to persuade people that aliens are not visiting.
We're not alone and that bothers the heck out of some people, some religious people.
Stanton Friedman
"So there has been a concentrated effort on that."
But he believes although the authorities have tried to suppress the subject, more people are starting to break rank and talk.
He added: "I've certainly seen some evidence of more people being willing to talk - maybe because they are getting older, maybe because they watch television and recognise that they have friends who have had sightings."
He said an organisation called the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) also allowed pilots, who are fearful of losing their jobs if they go on record about UFOs, meant they could now anonymously log details of their sightings.
Mr Friedman added: "They've collected thousands of reports, and many of them we probably wouldn't have known about, as pilots have to worry about losing their jobs.
"I'm an optimist, I see things changing.
"I see people being much more willing to hold their heads up."
Conspiracy theorists claim the US Government is aware aliens have visited Earth, but have put in place a "truth embargo" to prevent it getting out to the public.
Disclosure activists, such as Steve Bassett, head of Paradigm Research Group, campaign for the embargo to be lifted.
Earlier we revealed how Mr Bassett believes that disclosure could be imminent after the CIA put thousands of formerly classified files, including stuff on UFOs, on its website.
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Saturday, 1 July 2017

SHOCK CLAIM: The Government will soon Reveal the TRUTH about ALIENS

THE US Government could soon crack and admit it has secretly been hiding evidence of alien visitations of Earth for the last 70 years, it has astonishingly been claimed.

Steve Bassett is fundraising to try to force the US Government to come clean about aliens.
The Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which campaigns to bring an end to an alleged "truth embargo" to keep the truth from the globe, believes there will soon be no going back for government insiders.
Steve Bassett, executive director of the group is the only registered lobbyist in the US on the issue of alien disclosure.
He is convinced that the shocking secret has been withheld amid fears of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law since a flying saucer allegedly crashed in the New Mexico desert outside Roswell in 1947.
Mr Bassett is now seeking $50,000 to help fund the campaign to pressurise the White House to roll over and say "yes, we've deceived you for the last 70 years."
He has launched an End The Truth Embargo fundraising page on
Mr Bassett says on the page: "This funding effort is in service to every citizen of every nation now convinced the world should not wait one more day for confirmation we are not alone is this universe. 
"For 70 years this truth has been embargoed by your government. 
"After 20 years of engagement of the issue, I know this embargo can end soon with your help."
He says the money will be used to set up a permanent office in Washington DC for PRG to "keep the pressure on the media to engage the politics of disclosure throughout 2017."
Mr Bassett said the cash would also all PRG to: "Seek professional speaker representation, make contact with officials in European countries, develop video media for use in the disclosure advocacy movement, built up the Exopolitics World Network and United States Network, and consolidate, redesign and update PRG's many websites and Facebook pages."
PRG was bouyed on May 28 when during an interview on CBS 60 Minutes billionaire space engineer, Robert Bigelow, remarkably revealed he believed there is an "extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." 
Mr Bassett said: "He spoke truth to power. He stated unequivocally there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. When asked if he was concerned what people might think of that statement, he replied, 'I don't give a damn.'
This funding campaign will ensure PRG can adjust to new strategies to ultimately bring the White House and the Pentagon to the table to work out the necessary understanding allowing disclosure.
Steve Bassett
"PRG salutes Mr Bigelow and asks, 'Who will join him?'
"This funding campaign will ensure PRG can adjust to new strategies to ultimately bring the White House and the Pentagon to the table to work out the necessary understanding allowing disclosure."
The funding campaign is being conducted in conjunction with Coast to Coast AM with George Noory - described as "the most listened to late night talk program in America." Coast to Coast AM has for the past 25 years provided a platform for researchers, activists, "alien contactees", and other UFO witnesses.
So far Mr Bassett has been pledged $6,123 of his target.
It comes after fellow disclosure activist Dr Steven Greer claimed US intelligence moles were trying to break open the truth but were concerned about what will happen to them.
However, sceptics argue that Mr Bassett and Dr Greer are simply conspiracy theorists, who have got it wrong, and no aliens have ever visited Earth.
Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse-Tyson has dismissed the whole UFO/alien truth seeker community as having no credible evidence.
People like Mr DeGrasse-Tyson believe anyone who donated to the fund would be wasting their cash, as there is simply nothing to disclose as no aliens have ever been here.
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